Weird Science (2015): The Animated Series

An All-New Series by 'WeirdScience.Net!'

Coming Soon...

WeirdScience.Net! is bringing you an all-new spin-off animated series based on the original 1994 comedy series of the same name created by Tom Spezialy & Alan Cross as well as the original 1980's hit movie created by John Hughes. The series will essentially take place many years after the original with a few unique twists — this time it will center on two teenage sisters (daughters of Wyatt Donnelly & Lisa) along with their "half sister" Cleo (half human, half genie and the daughter of Chett).

Series Preview Screen CaptureActually, Cleo, or Cletus, is the same baby born near the end of the original series in the episode entitled, "Genie Junior". As it turns out, once word got out to the Genie Universe that Lisa was having twin daughters (Daphne and Alex) with a non-genie (Wyatt), Cleo just had come back to Earth again to see her half-sisters. Unfortunately, this meant that Cleo would be trapped on Earth with no way of returning to the Genie Universe again (according to Genie rules) which made Lisa and Chett come up with an arrangement that Cleo would adapt the human name of "Cleo", live with Chett and Marshall (Chett's son from a previous affair with an unknown woman) and take a Junior Guidance Counselor job at Farber High School where Chett is now the Principal of taking on for his father's (former Principal Scampi) legacy. Of course, Principal Chett Scampi (assuming his father's name while at the High School) receives a lot of guidence from his father as a spiritual figure that only appears to Chett (and maybe a handful of others at times) as Ghost Scampi.

Series Preview Screen CaptureAs years go by and Daphne and Alex grow into young teenage high school freshmen, Cleo just won't stop taking them on death defying crazy magical adventures with her genie powers. Unlike, their mother who only uses her genie powers only when absolutely necessary and no more, Cleo zaps in and out constantly with the girls many times - thereby always placing them all in danger and worse at risk of exposing the genie secret to the rest of the human race. But, when Lisa catches them zapping back after a last adventure that made them almost become lunch for a T-REX, she zaps up a contraption that will prevent Cleo from using her genie powers anymore. Now, what are the girls supposed to do? As long as Cleo cannot use her genie powers, their fun times have come to an end, that is until Daphne and Alex hear a strange story and begin to wonder if their own mother could actually be a genie herself and has been keeping that big secret from them their whole lives. Series Preview Screen Capture When they stumble upon an old computer that has been stashed away in storage down in their basement for years by their father, Wyatt, it doesn't take long for them to come across lots of photos and pictures of what appears to be their own mother as well as some other strange things that make them begin to wonder, "what would happen if we replace these images with scanned images of all the hot boy posters we have in our bedroom?" So, they get to work — Lightning strikes, oven explodes, dishwasher pops open, washing machine goes haywire, it's complete madness until all of a sudden complete and total silence. Then, like out of nowhere, a man is formed right in their doorway and (name to be revealed at a later time) is created - a new genie whose own magical powers are even shakier and more unreliable than that of Lisa's own magic. The girls now have a genie of their own and quickly decide that they better keep him a complete secret from their parents as well as Cleo for their own sakes. Series Preview Screen Capture Though, when Cleo eventually stumbles upon him in an unusual circumstance, she instantly falls head over heals in love.

The series is currently in the production stage but is hoped for an exclusive WeirdScience.Net! Series Preview sometime in the late Summer or early Fall of this year. Additionally, holiday themed special episodes are also planned for release throughout the rest of the year before the series will officially premier sometime in 2016. More information on this hot new series will be posted as soon as further information is ready to be released.



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